Store and destroy

Have you had enough of irrelevant post and unwanted spam mail? With ClevverMail, you can have this disposed of with the click of a button.

Aside from general advertising post, which our staff will simply weed out of your mail, it’s likely that you will also receive other forms of irrelevant or unwanted post. In these cases, you can have these unimportant letters and packets, along with all their contents, discarded of by us without a fuss. For this, all you have to do is go to the online interface or open the app and select ‘Delete’ for the item you would like to get rid of. The staff working on-site at the respective business address will shred this mail carefully so that it is in no way reproducible and won’t fall into the wrong hands. It is of paramount importance to us that you have full peace of mind when it comes to your mail and data.

When can I initiate the discarding of mail items?

Your letters and packages can be discarded of as quickly and easily as they can be scanned. Alternatively, you can just take a quick look at it and decide on the spot whether you want it removed. You can rest assured that no post will be discarded of without your authorization. You must sign off on all actions to dispose of any mail through the online interface or in the app before any removal can take place. If you decide to have an item scanned, the image of the content or the envelope will stay in your Clevver account for 12 months . However, to avoid losing valuable files you want to hang on to, you can easily set up a Dropbox or email connection with your virtual mailbox and save all the documents that you want to keep indefinitely.

Benefits of ClevverMail:

  • You can request for an item to be discarded with just the click of a button
  • You don’t have to deal with the hassle of unwanted or irrelevant mail
  • You can be sure that your post will be discarded of with regard to the highest levels of security and data protection
  • You can rest assured that your mail will be completely irreproducible after it has been discarded
  • All post recognized as unaddressed advertising and spam mail will be weeded out and discarded of right away by our staff without you even having to know about it
  • Absolutely no relevant mail will be discarded of without your knowledge thanks to the confirmation prompt feature of the software, meaning you can rest assured knowing that there will never be any unwanted removal of your important mail

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