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ClevverCompañía de empresas en Alemania
Póngase en contacto con nuestrosexpertos en incorporación de empresas
Up to 3 shareholders included
Up to 1 managing director included
Name and registration check
Standard shareholder agreement («Musterprotokoll») in German language
Required share capital 1 €, can be up to 7000 €.
Additional services:
- Introduction to a notary for the incorporation act.
- How-to documents for registration with trade office as well as tax authorities.
- Notary fees and costs for authorities are not included.
- The notary provides the incorporation documents.
Suplemento disponibles
Any additional managing director
Each additional managing director, above the already included managing director
79,00 €
One more shareholder
Each additional shareholder, above the already included 3 shareholders
79,00 €
Corporate Shareholder
A shareholder who is himself a company from Germany. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.
199 €
A shareholder who is himself a company from an EU country (incl. UK). Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer
299 €
A shareholder who is himself a company from a country outside the EU. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.
499 €
Accompanied notary appointment & notarization UG
We organize a notary appointment. Our lawyer attends the appointment and accompanies the notarization procedure. Includes a consecutive translation from German into English.
Attention: Notary fees are NOT included.
699 €
Commercial register registration
Performed by the notary public.
Additional fees apply and are not included. Costs of approx. 155 € are incurred for the entry in the commercial register.
Trade Office Registration
Companies are required by law to register with the local trade office when they start their business. *
(You can do the business registration yourself, here costs iHv. 13.00-31.00 EUR)
299 €
Tax office & sales tax
German shareholders
Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Non-German shareholders
Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Introduction of one of our partner companies for accounting / year end filings. **
VAT Application
Preparation of your tax office questionnaire for your VAT ID application **
Bank Introduction
Presentation of a German bank for opening a German bank account.
Remote incorporation
Official representation by the founding attorney at the German notary, via Power of attorney (Handlunsgvollmacht).*
- Does not include costs for your notary, costs of an apostille or costs at a German consulate.
399 €
Incorporation documents in English
Sample Memorandum and Articles of Association in English.
Appointment of the managing director in English.
99 €
Printed documents
Printed Certificate of Incorporation.
Printed memorandum and articles of association.
Printed extract from the commercial register.
Shipping (including tracking)
Individual legal advice
Individual consultation with our lawyer. Per 30 minutes.*
149 €
* The prices stated here are attorney's fees (net only). The legal services are provided by lawyer Alexander von Engelhardt, Hardenbergstr. 12, 10623 Berlin. Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself.
** Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself. The Clevver GmbH works together with different lawyers and tax advisors, who provide the necessary individual legal advice.
25,000 € share capital required
(12,500 € must have been paid into the bank account)
Up to 3 shareholders included
Up to 1 managing director included
Verification of name and registration
Standard shareholder agreement («Musterprotokoll») in German language
Further support services:
- Information and intro to a notary for the actual incorporation
- How-to documents for registration with the trade office as well as tax office
- Notary fees and costs for offices are not included.
- The notary provides the incorporation document.
Suplemento disponibles
Any additional managing director
Each additional managing director, above the already included managing director
79 €
One more shareholder
Each additional shareholder, above the already included 3 shareholders
79 €
Corporate Shareholder
A shareholder who is himself a company from Germany. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.
199 €
A shareholder who is himself a company from a country outside the EU. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.
299 €
We organize a notary appointment. Our lawyer attends the appointment and accompanies the notarization procedure. Includes a consecutive translation from German into English.
Attention: Notary fees are NOT included.Un accionista que es a su vez una empresa de fuera de la UE y el Reino Unido, artículos de asociación personalizados
499 €
Accompanied notary appointment & notarization GmbH
We organize a notary appointment. Our lawyer attends the appointment and accompanies the notarization procedure. Includes a consecutive translation from German into English.
Attention: Notary fees are NOT included.
1199 €
Commercial register registration
Performed by the notary public.
Additional fees apply and are not included. Costs of approx. 155 € are incurred for the entry in the commercial register.
Trade Office Registration
Companies are required by law to register with the local trade office when they start their business. *
(You can do the business registration yourself, here costs iHv. 13.00-31.00 EUR)
299 €
Tax office & sales tax
German shareholders
Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Non-German shareholders
Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Introduction of one of our partner companies for accounting / year end filings. **
VAT Application
Preparation of your tax office questionnaire for your VAT ID application **
Bank Introduction
Presentation of a German bank for opening a German bank account.
Remote incorporation
Official representation by the founding attorney at the German notary, via Power of attorney (Handlunsgvollmacht).*
- Does not include costs for your notary, costs of an apostille or costs at a German consulate.
399 €
Incorporation documents in English
Sample Memorandum and Articles of Association in English.
Appointment of the managing director in English.
99 €
Printed documents
Printed Certificate of Incorporation.
Printed memorandum and articles of association.
Printed extract from the commercial register.
Shipping (including tracking)
Individual legal advice
Individual consultation with our lawyer. Per 30 minutes.*
149 €
* The prices stated here are attorney's fees (net only). The legal services are provided by lawyer Alexander von Engelhardt, Hardenbergstr. 12, 10623 Berlin. Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself.
** Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself. The Clevver GmbH works together with different lawyers and tax advisors, who provide the necessary individual legal advice.
También ofrecemos soluciones para sociedades preconstituidas
Ventajas de una sociedad preconstituida
Cada una de nuestras empresas de estantería está certificada para no haber estado comerciando y tener la capacidad de comerciar en prácticamente cualquier área de negocio.
Compre la empresa - cambie el nombre - y su negocio estará listo para empezar.
Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo jurídico
Proceso de constitución de la empresa
Rellene el formulario de
solicitud en línea -
Nuestro equipo jurídico se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve para hacerle una oferta
Una vez que todo haya sido aclarado
por ambas partes, su compañía será incorporada -
Recibirá todos los
documentos necesarios
Fundamentos y requisitos
Fundamento del sistema jurídico | Bajo la ley civil |
Legislación corporativa aplicable | Las empresas alemanas están reguladas por la ley federal. |
Estabilidad | Jurisdicción muy estable y de excelente reputación |
Directores mínimos/accionistas | Mínimo de 1 director y 1 accionista. |
Información publicada relativa a los funcionarios de la empresa | Al registrarse la compañía, los nombres de los funcionarios de la compañía aparecerán en los registros públicos. |
Pago de capital requerido | Capital social mínimo: 1€ para UG, 25.000€ por GmbH. |
Contabilidad requerida | Las cuentas y la declaración de impuestos se presentan antes de fin de año. |
Impuestos | |
undefined |
Clevver impuestos y contabilidad
Gestionar los impuestos y la contabilidad y los expedientes fácilmente en nuestro centro de cumplimiento»
- Calendario de cumplimiento para que su empresa siga cumpliendo las normas
- Fechas importantes para la presentación de impuestos, declaraciones estatales y mucho más
- Reserve todos los servicios fiscales y contables
¿Tiene alguna pregunta?
Nuestro equipo de profesionales está disponible para atender sus consultas sobre la creación de empresas en todo el mundo.
Nuestro objetivo es responder a todas las consultas en un plazo de 24 horas.
Junto con nuestra red de socios bancarios, podemos ofrecer cuentas bancarias (remotas) en Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia. La mayoría de las cuentas bancarias vienen con tarjetas de crédito / débito y son cuentas multimoneda.
Tenga en cuenta que la decisión final (proceso KYC) sobre una cuenta bancaria es realizada por el banco.
Servicios Clevver
Le ofrecemos más apoyo, adecuado para la formación de su empresa. Para más información haga clic en los enlaces o envíenos una consulta.
- Servicio de fiscalidad y contabilidad
- Constitución de fideicomisos
- Registro de marcas
- Apoyo a las ICO (initial coin offerings)
- Constitución de sociedades offshore
- Creación de cuentas bancarias
Clevver GmbH no ofrece ningún tipo de asesoramiento jurídico. Clevver GmbH coopera con varios abogados y asesores fiscales que proporcionan el asesoramiento jurídico individual necesario.
¿Su país no está?
Servicios de constitución de empresas disponibles en muchos otros países
Kontaktieren Sie unser Team für Firmengründungen – wir werden eine passende Lösung für Sie finden.
Combina ClevverCompany con otros grandes servicios de Clevver
Direcciones comerciales legales
Registre su negocio en más de 20 lugares en 15 países. O reserve el servicio de Agente Registrado en los 50 estados de EE.UU.
Buzones de correo digitales
Con un buzón digital, puede recibir cartas y hacerlas escanear en más de 100 lugares del mundo. También puede recibir paquetes y enviarlos en cualquier parte del mundo.
Remote Banking Service
Book your Business Banking Services 100% remotely in US, UK, Germany, Spain and France. For companies of any size and in any industry. In every growth phase.