
ClevverCompany Formation de société en Allemagne

Prenez contact avec
nos experts en incorporation
UG 499 €

Up to 3 shareholders included
Up to 1 managing director included
Name and registration check
Standard shareholder agreement (« Musterprotokoll ») in German language
Required share capital 1 €, can be up to 7000 €.
Additional services:

  • Introduction to a notary for the incorporation act.
  • How-to documents for registration with trade office as well as tax authorities.


  • Notary fees and costs for authorities are not included.
  • The notary provides the incorporation documents.


Options disponibles

Any additional managing director

Each additional managing director, above the already included managing director

79 €

One more shareholder

Each additional shareholder, above the already included 3 shareholders

79 €

Corporate Shareholder

A shareholder who is himself a company from Germany. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.

199 €

A shareholder who is himself a company from an EU country (incl. UK). Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer

299 €

A shareholder who is himself a company from a country outside the EU. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.

499 €

Accompanied notary appointment & notarization UG

We organize a notary appointment. Our lawyer attends the appointment and accompanies the notarization procedure. Includes a consecutive translation from German into English.
Attention: Notary fees are NOT included.

699 €

Commercial register registration

Performed by the notary public.
Additional fees apply and are not included. Costs of approx. 155 € are incurred for the entry in the commercial register.

Gewerbeamt AnmeldungTrade Office Registration

Companies are required by law to register with the local trade office when they start their business. *

(You can do the business registration yourself, here costs iHv. 13.00-31.00 EUR)

299 €

Tax office & sales tax

German shareholders

Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.


Non-German shareholders

Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Introduction of one of our partner companies for accounting / year end filings. **


VAT Application

Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.
Introduction of one of our partner companies for accounting / year end filings. **


Bank Introduction

Presentation of a German bank for opening a German bank account.


Remote incorporation

Official representation by the founding attorney at the German notary, via Power of attorney (Handlunsgvollmacht).*

  • Does not include costs for your notary, costs of an apostille or costs at a German consulate.


399 €

Incorporation documents in English

Sample Memorandum and Articles of Association in English.
Appointment of the managing director in English.

99 €

Sample Memorandum and Articles of Association in English.
Appointment of the managing director in English.

Printed Certificate of Incorporation.
Printed memorandum and articles of association.
Printed extract from the commercial register.
Shipping (including tracking)


Individual legal advice

Individual consultation with our lawyer. Per 30 minutes.*

149 €

The notary fees and the costs for entry in the commercial register (Handelsregister) are not included in the price and will be charged separately.

* The prices stated here are attorney's fees (net only). The legal services are provided by lawyer Alexander von Engelhardt, Hardenbergstr. 12, 10623 Berlin. Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself.

** Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself. The Clevver GmbH works together with different lawyers and tax advisors, who provide the necessary individual legal advice.

GmbH 799 €

25,000 € share capital required
(12,500 € must have been paid into the bank account)
Up to 3 shareholders included
Up to 1 managing director included
Verification of name and registration
Standard shareholder agreement (« Musterprotokoll ») in German language
Further support services:

  • Information and intro to a notary for the actual incorporation
  • How-to documents for registration with the trade office as well as tax office


  • Notary fees and costs for offices are not included.
  • The notary provides the incorporation document.


Options disponibles

Any additional managing director

Each additional managing director, above the already included managing director

79 €

One more shareholder

Each additional shareholder, above the already included 3 shareholders

79 €

Corporate Shareholder

A shareholder who is himself a company from Germany. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.

199 €

A shareholder who is himself a company from a country outside the EU. Creating individual articles of association through our partner lawyer *.

299 €

Accompanied notary appointment & notarization GmbH

We organize a notary appointment. Our lawyer attends the appointment and accompanies the notarization procedure. Includes a consecutive translation from German into English.
Attention: Notary fees are NOT included.

1199 €

Commercial register registration

Performed by the notary public.
Additional fees apply and are not included. Costs of approx. 155 € are incurred for the entry in the commercial register.

Trade Office Registration

Companies are required by law to register with the local trade office when they start their business. *

(You can do the business registration yourself, here costs iHv. 13.00-31.00 EUR)

299 €

Tax office & sales tax

German shareholders

Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.


Non-German shareholders

Preparation of opening balance sheet for easy application.

Introduction of one of our partner companies for accounting / year end filings. **


VAT Application

Preparation of your tax office questionnaire for your VAT ID application **


Bank Introduction

Presentation of a German bank for opening a German bank account.


Remote incorporation

Official representation by the founding attorney at the German notary, via Power of attorney (Handlunsgvollmacht).*

  • Does not include costs for your notary, costs of an apostille or costs at a German consulate.


399 €

Incorporation documents in English

Sample Memorandum and Articles of Association in English.
Appointment of the managing director in English.

99 €

Printed documents

Printed Certificate of Incorporation.
Printed memorandum and articles of association.
Printed extract from the commercial register.
Shipping (including tracking)


Individual legal advice

Individual consultation with our lawyer. Per 30 minutes.*

149 €

The notary fees and the costs for entry in the commercial register (Handelsregister) are not included in the price and will be charged separately.

* The prices stated here are attorney's fees (net only). The legal services are provided by lawyer Alexander von Engelhardt, Hardenbergstr. 12, 10623 Berlin. Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself.

** Clevver GmbH does not provide legal advice itself. The Clevver GmbH works together with different lawyers and tax advisors, who provide the necessary individual legal advice.


Nous proposons également des solutions pour les sociétés d'appoint

Chacune de nos sociétés dormantes est certifiée comme n'ayant pas fait de commerce et ayant la capacité de faire du commerce dans pratiquement n'importe quel domaine d'activité.

Achetez la société - changez le nom - et votre entreprise est prête à démarrer.

Prenez contact avec notre équipe juridique

High-quality Shelf Company Solutions Image

Processus de création d’une société

  • Remplir le formulaire
    de candidature en ligne

  • Notre équipe juridique vous fera parvenir une offre dans les plus brefs délais

  • Lorsque tout est claire des deux
    côtés, votre entreprise sera enregistrée

  • Sie erhalten alle
    notwendigen Unterlagen

Options disponibles

Bases du système juridiqueUnder Civil Law En vertu du droit civil
Législation applicable aux sociétés Les entreprises allemandes sont régies par le droit fédéral.
Stabilité Juridiction très stable avec une excellente réputation.
Nombre minimum d’administrateurs/actionnaires Minimum de 1 administrateur et 1 actionnaire.
Informations publiées relatives aux dirigeants d’entrepri Au moment de l’enregistrement de la société, les noms des dirigeants de la société apparaîtront dans les dossiers publics.
Exigence de capital libéré Capital social minimum : 1 € pour UG, 25.000 € pour GmbH.
Exigence comptable Les comptes et le dépôt fiscal doivent être soumis à la fin de l’exercice.

Clevver Tax and Accounting

Clevver Compliance Center Image
Clevver tax and accounting

Gérer facilement les impôts, la comptabilité et les déclarations dans notre centre de conformité

  • Calendrier de conformité pour que votre entreprise reste conforme​
  • Dates importantes pour les déclarations fiscales, les déclarations d’état et bien d’autres choses encore
  • Réserver tous les services fiscaux et comptables

Vous avez des questions ?

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Nous nous efforçons de répondre à toutes les demandes de renseignements dans les 24 heures.

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Services Clevver

Nous vous offrons un soutien supplémentaire, adapté à la création de votre société. Pour plus d’informations, cliquez sur les liens ou envoyez-nous une demande.

Service de fiscalité et de comptabilité; Constitution de Trusts; Enregistrement de marques; Soutien aux ICO (Initial Coin Offerings); Création de sociétés offshore; Ouverture de compte bancaire;

Clevver GmbH ne fournit pas de conseils juridiques. Clevver GmbH coopère avec différents avocats et conseillers fiscaux qui fournissent les conseils juridiques individuels nécessaires.

Vous souhaitez créer une
société dans un autre pays ?

Pays de la Toplist

Incorporation Location Image

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Services de création de sociétés disponibles dans de nombreux autres pays
Contactez nos spécialistes de la création de sociétés – nous trouverons pour vous une solution sur mesure.

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