
Form your company in France

Avoid any mishaps while forming your company:
  • We speak the language
  • We offer banking services for non-residents
  • Set up your company, 100% remote

Clevver offers all the mandatory services in one simple bundle

Form your company in France Image

What is the Clevver France formation bundle?

The formation of a S.A.R.L. in France Image

The formation of a S.A.R.L. in France

You are ready to form a company in France, but don't know where to start?

Every argument is there to decide to start doing business in the hexagone. That is, if you do not trip on the many complex steps and regulations of forming a company.

Use Clevver's expertise on the ground to form your company:

  • Local, french speaking partners
  • Completely remote formation
  • Company ready in 2-4 weeks
  • No need to be a resident in the country
  • Competitive pricing see pricing
  • Basis of legal system: Civil Law system.
  • Stability: Very stable jurisdiction with a reputable legal system.
  • Governing corporate legislation: French companies are regulated under the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce).
  • Taxation: Corporation tax (Impôt sur les sociétés) is paid by companies on their profits. 25% or 15% for SMB.
  • Confidentiality – published information: Beneficial owners’ details: disclosed to the authorities; Shareholders’ details: appear on public record; Directors’ details: appear on public record.
  • Company type: Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) or Société par actions simplifiée (SAS).
  • Paid up capital requirement: Minimum share capital: €1; it is obligatory to open a bank account to deposit share capital, almost no french banks accept non-residents. To see the Clevver solution: (page of the ClevverBanking France).
  • Minimum directors & shareholders: 1 director (physical person of any nationality or corporate shareholder for SAS) 1 shareholder (can also be a legal person, no nationality restriction).
  • Required Company Secretary: Not required.
  • Required Registered Legal Address: Yes, a registered office address in France is mandatory.
  • Accounting requirement: Accounts and tax filing must be submitted annually. Audit is mandatory for large companies; small and medium-sized companies may be exempted under certain conditions.
  • Company name regulations: Language: French Letters: From Roman alphabet Company name must include a corporate form indicator (e.g., SARL or SAS). Name restrictions apply, and certain names may require prior approval from the relevant authorities.
Open a banking service account Image

Open a banking service account

A symbolic share capital of 1€ needs to be deposited in a french bank account to continue with the formation of the company.

The problem: most french banks won't accept to open an account for entrepreneurs that are not residents of the company, halting the formation process. Or the business owner would need to travel to France.

The Clevver solution:

  • Deposit your share capital and get a pro account in 1 easy step with ClevverBanking
  • The entire process takes place online
  • No need to travel to France
  • Save time and be business ready faster
  • Manage your finance in the same Clevver portal as for all your business activities

    see pricing
Your business address on L'avenue des Champs-Élysées Image

Your business address on L'avenue des Champs-Élysées

  • Well renowned location, elevating your company's status
  • Clevver takes care of your mail, allowing you to manage the company remotely
  • View all the post received at your address in your Clevver portal
  • Benefit from a much lower CFE (cotisation foncière des entreprises) rate of taxation than if you were to domiciliate your company outside of Paris
  • Manage your finance in the same Clevver portal as for all your business activities

Your Company
50, avenue
des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris

Dior Logo Image Moncler Logo Image Louis Vuitton Logo Image Boss Logo Image

Why get the bundle instead of buying each service separately?

The regulation for company formation in France requires that:

  • Every company that is being formed have an address of domiciliation in France
  • During the formation process, a legal notice has to be published in a local paper, in french
  • A certain number of rules set by law must be included in the company statutes
  • The 1€ minimum start capital must be deposited before the company is opened. But most french banks won't open an account to a non-resident director/shareholder, even less while the company is being formed. Classic example of a "the chicken or the egg first" situation.

And many more...

A company formation without any of the 3 services is not possible.

Let Clevver take care of the entire process, allowing you to focus
on growing your business instead, in France and at home.
Take advantage of our bundle and save 200€

Please note that the Bundle is only available for formation with at least one director being a resident of a EEA country

The step-by-step of company formation

2-4 weeks
  1. Send us the form and documents
  2. We draft the status of the company for review
  3. You open a bank account on and deposit your start capital
  4. You receive a notarized conformation of the deposit
  5. We publish a notice of incorporation in a legal magazine
  6. We finish the registration with the relevant authorities
  7. Your company is up and running


S.A.R.L for EU Residents
Company incorporation (mandatory)
The company incorporation includes:
  • 1 director and 1 individual shareholder
  • the legal fees of the Trade Register
  • the publicity with the legal newspaper
  • VAT registration
1015,00 EUR one time
Bank Account Opening of a Pro account with ClevverBanking to deposit the start capital (mandatory) (Required share capital of 1€) 499,00 EUR one time
Ongoing fees for the account 19,95 EUR/month
Registered Office in Paris (incl. Mail handling) see Volume included 29,00 EUR/month (mandatory)
Available Add-ons
Corporate Shareholder 500,00 EUR
EORI Registration 99,00 EUR
Account Pricing Details
Capital Deposit Fee 499,00 EUR
One time set up fee for ongoing account 4,95 EUR
Monthly running fee 19,95 EUR
Adding and shipping a debit card 19,95 EUR
Use the code France10 and get -10% rebate

How to get started

  • Fill out our
    contact form now

  • We send you a
    personalized quote

  • We answer all of
    your questions

  • You send
    us your verification documents

  • When everything is ok, we invoice you the full bundle

You get 10% off!

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